
    What is Hamster Allergen

    Hamsters, those endearing and cuddly pets that capture the hearts of many, can, surprisingly, become the unwitting culprits behind allergic reactions in certain individuals. The root cause of these allergic responses can be traced back to a group of proteins unique to hamsters, aptly referred to as hamster allergen proteins. In this informative piece, we embark on a journey to explore the intricate universe of hamster allergen proteins, unveiling their distinctive features, deciphering their biological functions, and uncovering their pivotal role in driving advancements in diagnostic technology, vaccine research, and the treatment of allergies.


    Hamster Allergen Proteins: Structural Characteristics and Classification

    Hamster allergen proteins primarily encompass a group of proteins that can trigger allergic reactions in susceptible individuals. Among the most prominent allergens is the Hamster Urinary Allergen (HUA), formally known as Phodopus sungorus allergen (Pho s 1). This allergen belongs to the lipocalin family, characterized by their distinctive protein structure and role in binding small hydrophobic molecules.

    Lipocalins, like Pho s 1, have a barrel-shaped structure that enables them to bind to various molecules, including allergens, hormones, and pheromones. These allergens are categorized based on their molecular weight and their potential to induce allergic responses. Hamster allergen proteins fall into the category of respiratory allergens, meaning they are commonly associated with respiratory allergic reactions.

    Our Featured Hamster Allergens

    Cat.No. Product Name Species Source Tag
    ra-3366A Recombinant Mes a 1 Mesocricetus auratus (Golden hamster) E.coli or Yeast His
    ra-3384A Recombinant Phod s 1 Phodopus sungorus (Siberian hamster) E.coli or Yeast His

    Biological Functions and Role in Allergy

    Hamster allergen proteins like Pho s 1 play a crucial role in causing allergic reactions. When these proteins are inhaled or come into contact with the mucous membranes, they can trigger an immune response in sensitized individuals. This immune response involves the production of specific antibodies, such as IgE, which recognize Pho s 1 as a harmful invader.

    Upon subsequent exposure to hamster allergen proteins, these antibodies bind to the allergens, leading to the activation of immune cells like mast cells and basophils. These activated cells release a cascade of chemicals, including histamine, which is responsible for the classic symptoms of allergies, such as sneezing, itching, and congestion.

    The molecular mechanisms underlying hamster allergen-induced allergies are complex, involving interactions between the immune system and the allergen proteins. These interactions can vary from person to person, explaining why some individuals are more susceptible to hamster allergies than others.

    Applications in Diagnostic Development, Vaccine Research, and Treatment

    Hamster allergen proteins have not only been a source of discomfort for allergy sufferers but have also paved the way for advancements in allergy diagnosis, vaccine development, and treatment.

    In the realm of diagnostics, allergen proteins like Pho s 1 are used to identify individuals with hamster allergies. Specific tests, such as skin prick tests and blood tests, can detect the presence of IgE antibodies against these allergen proteins, helping clinicians diagnose and manage allergies effectively.

    In vaccine research, hamster allergen proteins are crucial components in the development of hypoallergenic vaccines. These vaccines aim to desensitize individuals by exposing them to controlled amounts of the allergen proteins, gradually reducing their immune system's hypersensitivity.

    Moreover, allergen immunotherapy, a treatment approach that uses hamster allergen proteins, has shown promise in alleviating allergic symptoms. By administering increasing doses of the allergen proteins over time, this therapy can help individuals build tolerance to hamster allergens, reducing the severity of allergic reactions.

    Creative BioMart offers a comprehensive range of high-quality hamster allergen-related protein products. Our extensive catalog includes allergen proteins like Pho s 1, essential for research, diagnostics, and allergy treatment development. Contact us and explore our diverse offerings today and unlock the potential of hamster allergen proteins in your projects.

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