
    What is Wormwood Allergen

    Wormwood, scientifically known as Artemisia, is a genus of plants that encompasses various species, some of which are notorious for triggering allergic reactions in susceptible individuals. This article delves into the world of Wormwood allergen proteins, exploring their molecular intricacies, biological functions, and potential applications in biomedicine.

    Wormwood Allergen Proteins: Composition and Classification

    Wormwood allergens primarily include proteins belonging to the molecular family of profilins, a group of small, highly conserved proteins with crucial roles in cell regulation. Profilins are known for their involvement in actin polymerization, which is vital for cellular processes like cytoskeletal organization and intracellular transport.


    Wormwood allergen proteins possess distinct structural characteristics that make them recognizable within the profilin family. Their three-dimensional structures consist of a central beta-sheet surrounded by alpha-helices, a configuration that facilitates their binding to actin and other cellular components. Classification within the allergen spectrum is attributed to the presence of specific amino acid sequences and epitopes that trigger immune responses in sensitive individuals.

    Our Featured Wormwood Allergens

    Cat.No. Product Name Species Source Tag
    ra-3572P Recombinant Art ab 1 Artemisia absinthium (Absinthe wormwood) E.coli or Yeast His
    ra-3573P Recombinant Art an 1 Artemisia annua (Sweet Wormwood) E.coli or Yeast His
    ra-3574P Recombinant Art an 1 Artemisia annua (Sweet Wormwood) E.coli or Yeast His
    ra-3575P Recombinant Art an 2 Artemisia annua (Sweet Wormwood) E.coli or Yeast His
    ra-3576P Recombinant Art an 3 Artemisia annua (Sweet Wormwood) E.coli or Yeast His
    ra-3577P Recombinant Art an 7 Artemisia annua (Sweet Wormwood) E.coli or Yeast His
    ra-3578P Recombinant Art ar  1 Artemisia argyi (Silvery wormwood) E.coli or Yeast His
    ra-3579P Recombinant Art ar  2 Artemisia argyi (Silvery wormwood) E.coli or Yeast His
    ra-3580P Recombinant Art ar  3 Artemisia argyi (Silvery wormwood) E.coli or Yeast His
    ra-3581P Recombinant Art c 1 Artemisia californica (California sagebrush) E.coli or Yeast His
    ra-3582P Recombinant Art f 1 Artemisia frigida (Desert sagebrush) E.coli or Yeast His
    ra-3583P Recombinant Art l 1 Artemisia ludoviciana (Silver wormwood) E.coli or Yeast His
    ra-3584P Recombinant Art t 1 Artemisia tridentata (Common sagebrush) E.coli or Yeast His
    ra-3585P Recombinant Art v 1 Mugwort, wormwood E.coli His
    ra-3585PB Recombinant Art v 1, Biotin Labeled Mugwort, wormwood E.coli His
    ra-3585PM Recombinant Art v 1 Mugwort, wormwood HEK293 Cells His
    ra-3586P Recombinant Art v 2 Artemisia vulgaris (Mugwort, wormwood) E.coli or Yeast His
    ra-3587P Recombinant Art v 3 Mugwort, wormwood E.coli His
    ra-3587PB Recombinant Art v 3, Biotin Labeled Mugwort, wormwood E.coli His
    ra-3588P Recombinant Art v 4 Artemisia vulgaris (Mugwort, wormwood) E.coli His
    ra-3588P-1 Recombinant Art v 4.01 Mugwort, wormwood E.coli His
    ra-3588P-1B Recombinant Art v 4.01, Biotin Labeled Mugwort, wormwood E.coli His
    ra-3589P Recombinant Art v 5 Artemisia vulgaris (Mugwort, wormwood) E.coli or Yeast His
    ra-3590P Recombinant Art v 6 Artemisia vulgaris (Mugwort, wormwood) E.coli or Yeast His
    ra-3978P Recombinant Art ca 1 Artemisia capillaris (Wormwood) E.coli or Yeast His
    ra-3979P Recombinant Art ca 2 Artemisia capillaris (Wormwood) E.coli or Yeast His
    ra-3980P Recombinant Art ca 3 Artemisia capillaris (Wormwood) E.coli or Yeast His
    ra-3981P Recombinant Art gm 1 Artemisia gmelinii (Russian wormwood) E.coli or Yeast His
    ra-3982P Recombinant Art gm 2 Artemisia gmelinii (Russian wormwood) E.coli or Yeast His
    ra-3983P Recombinant Art gm 3 Artemisia gmelinii (Russian wormwood) E.coli or Yeast His
    ra-3987P Recombinant Art si 1 Artemisia sieversiana (Sieversian wormwood) E.coli or Yeast His
    ra-3988P Recombinant Art si 2 Artemisia sieversiana (Sieversian wormwood) E.coli or Yeast His
    ra-3989P Recombinant Art si 3 Artemisia sieversiana (Sieversian wormwood) E.coli or Yeast His

    Wormwood Allergen Biological Functions and Allergic Responses

    Wormwood allergen proteins play a pivotal role in the development of allergic reactions, especially in individuals with a predisposition to pollen allergies. These proteins act as potent allergens when inhaled or come into contact with mucosal surfaces, leading to the activation of the immune system. The allergic response involves the release of histamines and other inflammatory mediators, resulting in symptoms such as sneezing, itching, and nasal congestion.

    Wormwood allergens are notorious for causing allergic rhinitis, commonly known as hay fever, during the pollen season. Individuals sensitive to Wormwood allergens may experience symptoms ranging from mild irritation to severe respiratory distress. The molecular mechanisms underlying Wormwood allergy involve the recognition of allergen proteins by the immune system, leading to the production of specific antibodies, primarily IgE. Upon subsequent exposure, these antibodies trigger the release of histamines, initiating the allergic cascade.

    The interaction between Wormwood allergen proteins and the immune system occurs through a complex process known as sensitization. During the initial exposure, the immune system recognizes the allergen as a foreign invader and produces specific antibodies against it. Upon subsequent encounters, these antibodies bind to the allergen, triggering the release of inflammatory substances, causing the characteristic allergic symptoms. Understanding these molecular mechanisms is crucial for developing targeted therapies to alleviate allergic reactions.

    Applications of Wormwood Allergen Proteins in Biomedicine

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