
    What is Mouse Allergen

    Mouse allergen proteins are recognized as one of the leading culprits behind allergic reactions, impacting individuals across the globe. These specific proteins, scientifically termed Mus m allergens, are primarily concentrated in the urine, saliva, and dander of mice. Within the Mus m allergen family, there exists a wide array of protein variants, each capable of triggering allergic responses in individuals with sensitivities. In the forthcoming sections of this article, we will explore in detail the defining features, essential biological functions, and diverse applications associated with these allergenic proteins.


    Mus m Allergen Proteins

    Mus m allergens refer to a family of proteins derived from mice, often encountered in homes, research facilities, and various environments. These allergens are categorized based on their structural characteristics and molecular families, with some of the prominent members including Mus m 1, Mus m 2, Mus m 4, and Mus m 5. Mus m 1, also known as the major mouse urinary protein, belongs to the lipocalin family and is found in mouse urine. Mus m 2, on the other hand, is a secretoglobin family member found in mouse salivary glands and dander. Mus m 4 and Mus m 5 belong to the lipocalin family and are present in mouse urine and dander, respectively. These proteins are potent allergens due to their ability to stimulate immune responses in susceptible individuals.

    Our Featured Mouse Allergens

    Cat.No. Product Name Species Source Tag
    ra-3367A Recombinant Mus m 1 Mus musculus (House mouse) E.coli His-Sumo
    ra-3367AB Recombinant Mus m 1, Biotin Labeled Mus musculus (House mouse) E.coli His-Sumo

    Biological Functions and Role in Allergy

    Mus m allergen proteins serve essential biological functions in mice, including communication, territorial marking, and protection against predators. However, in humans, these proteins can trigger allergic reactions. Allergies to mouse allergen proteins typically manifest as respiratory symptoms such as sneezing, coughing, wheezing, and nasal congestion. Skin reactions like hives and eczema can also occur. The molecular mechanism underlying these allergies involves the recognition of Mus m allergens by the immune system as foreign invaders.

    When an allergic individual is exposed to mouse allergen proteins, their immune system produces antibodies, specifically immunoglobulin E (IgE), against these proteins. Upon subsequent exposure, the allergen binds to IgE antibodies on mast cells and basophils, triggering the release of inflammatory mediators like histamine. This cascade of events leads to the classic allergy symptoms. The severity of the allergic reaction can vary from mild to severe, with some individuals experiencing life-threatening anaphylactic reactions.

    Diagnostic Development, Vaccine Development, and Treatment

    Understanding and detecting mouse allergen protein exposure are crucial for managing mouse allergies. Mus m allergen proteins are used in diagnostic tests to identify individuals who are sensitive to mouse allergens. Skin prick tests and blood tests can help determine the presence of specific IgE antibodies against these proteins, aiding in the diagnosis of mouse allergies.

    Researchers are also exploring the development of vaccines that can desensitize individuals to mouse allergen proteins. Allergen immunotherapy, commonly known as allergy shots, is a treatment approach that involves administering increasing doses of the allergen over time. This helps the immune system become less reactive to the allergen, reducing the severity of allergic reactions.

    In addition to vaccines, avoidance measures play a significant role in managing mouse allergies. Minimizing exposure to mouse allergen proteins through proper cleaning, sealing gaps and cracks, and using high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters can alleviate allergy symptoms.

    Creative BioMart offers a wide range of mouse allergen-related protein products to support your research needs. Our high-quality proteins are meticulously produced to ensure reliability and consistency, making them ideal for various applications in allergy research. Contact us and explore our comprehensive selection of mouse allergen proteins and experience the difference in your experiments.

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