
    What is Red Raspberry Allergen

    Red Raspberry (Rubus idaeus) is not just a delightful fruit; it is also a source of allergenic proteins that can trigger allergic reactions in susceptible individuals. These proteins, known as Red Raspberry allergens, are part of the molecular family associated with allergic responses. Among the notable allergen proteins in Red Raspberry, two prominent members are Rub i 1 and Rub i 3.

    Red Raspberry Allergen Proteins: Composition and Classification

    Rub i 1 belongs to the Bet v 1 family, which encompasses proteins with a conserved structure found in various fruits and vegetables. Rub i 1 has a unique three-dimensional structure, featuring a β-sheet core surrounded by α-helices. The structural similarity with other Bet v 1 family members contributes to its allergenic potential.

    Another significant Red Raspberry allergen, Rub i 3, is categorized as a lipid transfer protein (LTP). LTPs are known for their involvement in lipid binding and transfer processes. Rub i 3 exhibits a compact structure stabilized by disulfide bonds, making it a key player in Red Raspberry-induced allergic reactions.


    Our Featured Red Raspberry Allergens

    Cat.No. Product Name Species Source Tag
    ra-3804P Recombinant Rub i 1 Rubus idaeus (Red raspberry) E.coli or Yeast His
    ra-3805P Recombinant Rub i 3 Rubus idaeus (Red raspberry) E.coli or Yeast His

    Red Raspberry Allergen Biological Functions and Allergic Responses

    Red Raspberry allergen proteins, particularly Rub i 1 and Rub i 3, play a crucial role in allergic responses. When individuals with a predisposition to berry allergies come in contact with these proteins, their immune systems may recognize them as harmful invaders, triggering an allergic reaction.

    The allergic response to Red Raspberry allergens involves the activation of the immune system and the release of histamines, leading to symptoms such as itching, swelling, and in severe cases, anaphylaxis. Understanding the molecular mechanisms behind these allergic reactions is vital for developing effective diagnostic and therapeutic strategies.

    Rub i 1, belonging to the Bet v 1 family, is known for its ability to bind to specific receptors on immune cells, initiating a cascade of events that culminate in an allergic response. On the other hand, Rub i 3, as an LTP, can interact with lipids and cell membranes, potentially contributing to its allergenic properties.

    Applications of Red Raspberry Allergen Proteins in Biomedicine

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