
    What is Apple Allergen

    Apple allergen proteins are a complex group of proteins found in apples that can trigger allergic reactions in susceptible individuals. These proteins belong to the pathogenesis-related protein family, specifically PR-10 proteins. PR-10 proteins are known for their involvement in plant defense mechanisms against pathogens, but in the context of apples, they can be problematic for some people.

    Apple Allergen Proteins: Structural Characteristics and Classification

    Apple allergen proteins are characterized by their three-dimensional structure and their ability to induce immune responses. The major apple allergens include Mal d 1, Mal d 2, Mal d 3, and Mal d 4. Mal d 1 and Mal d 3 are PR-10 proteins, while Mal d 2 belongs to the lipid transfer protein (LTP) family. Mal d 4 is a profilin, another class of allergenic proteins. Understanding the structural characteristics of these proteins is crucial in comprehending their allergenic potential. The classification of these proteins aids in identifying specific allergens responsible for allergic reactions in individuals.

    Apple Allergen Proteins: Structural Characteristics and Classification

    Our Featured Apple Allergens

    Cat.No. Product Name Species Source Tag
    ra-3721PB Recombinant Mal d 1, Biotin Labeled Apple E.coli His
    ra-3723PB Recombinant Mal d 3, Biotin Labeled Apple E.coli His
    ra-3721P Recombinant Mal d 1 Malus domestica (Apple) Yeast His
    ra-3722P Recombinant Mal d 2 Malus domestica (Apple) E.coli His
    ra-3723P Recombinant Mal d 3 Apple E.coli His
    ra-3724P Recombinant Mal d 4 Malus domestica (Apple) E.coli His
    ra-3724PB Recombinant Mal d 4, Biotin Labeled Malus domestica (Apple) E.coli His
    ra-3722PB Recombinant Mal d 2, Biotin Labeled Malus domestica (Apple) E.coli His

    Apple Allergen Biological Functions and Allergic Responses

    The biological functions of apple allergen proteins extend beyond the ordinary roles played by proteins in a fruit. In individuals prone to allergies, these proteins become culprits in triggering adverse immune responses. The allergic reactions can range from mild symptoms, such as itching and hives, to severe anaphylactic responses. The molecular mechanisms behind apple allergen-induced allergies involve the immune system's misinterpretation of these proteins as harmful invaders, leading to a cascade of reactions that manifest as allergy symptoms.

    Understanding the role of apple allergen proteins in allergies involves delving into the intricate processes of immune response activation. The immune system, which is designed to protect the body from harmful substances, identifies certain apple proteins as threats. This recognition sparks the release of various chemicals, such as histamines, triggering the classic allergic symptoms. The specificity of these reactions to apple allergen proteins distinguishes them from other allergic responses, highlighting the unique interplay between these proteins and the human immune system.

    Applications of Apple Allergen Proteins in Biomedicine

    While apple allergen proteins may be the source of discomfort for some, they have also found applications in the field of biomedicine. Researchers and scientists have harnessed the unique properties of these proteins for diagnostic development, vaccine creation, and even potential treatments.

    At Creative BioMart, we take pride in offering a comprehensive range of top-notch apple allergen-related protein products. For inquiries and customized solutions, contact us today.

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