
    What is Cashew Allergen

    Cashew allergen proteins, including Ana o 1, Ana o 2, and Ana o 3, have become pivotal players in the realm of allergies. Belonging to the molecular family of seed storage proteins, these allergens contribute significantly to allergic reactions associated with cashew consumption.

    Cashew Allergen Proteins: Structural Characteristics and Classification

    Ana o 1, known as a vicilin-like seed storage protein, holds a prominent place among cashew allergens. It exhibits a unique structure, with a molecular weight of approximately 34 kDa. Ana o 2, another key player, is a legumin-like protein with a molecular weight of around 50 kDa. Lastly, Ana o 3, identified as a 2S albumin, has a molecular weight of approximately 10 kDa. The classification of these allergens into distinct protein families underscores their diverse roles in allergic responses.

    Cashew Allergen Proteins: Structural Characteristics and Classification

    Our Featured Cashew Allergens

    Cat.No. Product Name Species Source Tag
    ra-3545P Recombinant Ana o 1 Anacardium occidentale (Cashew) E.coli or Yeast His
    ra-3546P Recombinant Ana o 2 Anacardium occidentale (Cashew) E.coli or Yeast His
    ra-3547P Recombinant Ana o 3 Anacardium occidentale (Cashew) E.coli or Yeast His

    Cashew Allergen Biological Functions and Allergic Responses

    Understanding the biological functions of cashew allergen proteins is crucial in deciphering the intricate web of allergic reactions. These proteins play a pivotal role in the allergenicity of cashews, triggering immune responses in susceptible individuals.

    The role of cashew allergens in allergies is multifaceted. Ana o 1, Ana o 2, and Ana o 3 act as allergens by sensitizing the immune system, leading to the production of specific antibodies. Upon subsequent exposure to cashew proteins, these antibodies trigger the release of histamines and other inflammatory mediators, resulting in allergic symptoms.

    Molecular mechanisms underlying cashew allergies involve the recognition of these allergens by the immune system. The proteins interact with specific receptors, initiating a cascade of events that culminate in the manifestation of allergic symptoms. Elucidating these mechanisms is crucial for developing targeted therapies to alleviate allergic reactions.

    Applications of Cashew Allergen Proteins in Biomedicine

    Discover top-quality cashew allergen-related protein products at Creative BioMart, your trusted partner in advancing research and diagnostics with precision and reliability. Contact us and explore our extensive range of cashew allergen proteins and witness a transformative impact on your research endeavors.

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